Trained Nurse Job Spec

Trained Nurse Job Description:

All Agency members are required to:

  • Report to the Agency on a weekly basis with availability for work.  All staff are offered duties when available to their stipulated days free, although the Agency will ring all Members on the list when Emergency Cover is requested.

  • Turn up for duty when you have accepted a shift as it is expected that you will attend when you have accepted a shift, unless an Emergency Situation occurs concerning yourself or a family member.

All cancellations will be recorded regardless of grade.

  • Report for duty at allocated place of work in adequate time, wearing appropriate uniform and ID Badge. It is also advisable to carry your NMC Pin Card.

  • Represent the Agency with high standards of nursing care, delivered in a polite, conscientious manner and to ensure that patient privacy, independence and dignity are maintained at all times.

  • Assist with General Nursing Skills at appropriate skill level at allocated place of work.

  • Keep up to date with nursing practice according to NMC Guidelines. Update Manual Handling Training, Basic Life Support and Breakaway Training (the latter where appropriate) on an annual basis. Undertake other mandatory training, to include, (although not exhaustive), POVA, Infection Control, COSHH, Conflict Resolution, Complaint Handling, Epilepsy, Equality & Diversity, Fire Safety, Food Safety, Information Governance, Health and Safety, Loneworker, Patient Consent, RIDDOR, Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults. Provide the office with a copy of your certificate. Certificates must state and comply to the Skills for Health, Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF).                                                     
  • Be aware of all the current aspects of the Health and safety at Work Act, to be aware of Fire Drills and Emergency Procedures at place of work affecting you, patients and colleagues.

  • Report any accidents/incidents direct to the person in charge of your allocated place of work, and if necessary to also report it to the Manager in charge of the Agency.  Ensure all accidents are written in the correct book at the allocated place of work.   
  • Administer all medications in line with the NMC Guidelines for the administration of medicines.

  • Ensure that all original timesheets are correctly completed and signed on the day of duty and are sent into the Office weekly, they need to reach the Office by 1pm on Tuesdays (by first post Wednesday following a Bank Holiday Monday).  Failure to do this may result in a delay in payment.

  • Ensure that you have given the correct Bank/Building Society details on your Application Form and it is your responsibility to inform the Office if these details change.  This is because Wages are paid on weekly BACS system.

  • Purchase your own Uniform, although the Agency can order this for you.  Costs vary according to size and design. The Uniform required is a Navy blue tunic with white piping (Women and Men), black/navy blue trousers and sensible black shoes.

  • Ensure you attend an Induction Course initially and please also try to attend the Training Courses that are offered to you.

All members are required to work within the Companies Policies and Staff Handbook.  A copy is available in the Office.

Please feel free to ring in with any problems you may have as we are here to offer you support.

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